The Wolf Rangers

The Wolves are friendly vegan wolves and there to help. The Wolf rangers are volunteers and dedicated to the safety of the participants of Where the Sheep Sleep.

The Rangers are a broad cross-section of the Burning Man community who volunteer some of their time in the role of non-confrontational community mediators. They are empowered by the community and Burning Man Netherlands to address safety concerns, mediate disputes, and resolve conflicts when they cannot be resolved by the persons involved. Rangers encourage a community of shared responsibility. Rangers only assist the community when needed.

Volunteering as a Ranger is a demanding task. During daytime there are two teams of rangers starting at 07:00, 13:00 and 19:00. At nighttime there is one team of two rangers starting at 01:00. These shifts are 6 hours each. When you volunteer as a ranger you are expected to do so with a mind free of alcohol and other substances!

For all rangers there is a mandatory training on Thursday (July 27) at 18:00 (6pm), gather at InfoHub!

We are looking for:

– Rangers to fill the 6 hour shifts starting at 07:00 – 13:00 – 19:00 – 21:00. If you have a valid First Aid (EHBO) or Emergency Response Officer (BHV) certification then that is appreciated. This is, however, not a prerequisite to become a Ranger.
– Ranger Leads for 24h shifts based on availability and best effort. For Ranger Leads we are looking for the more seasoned Burners in our community.

Be a Ranger! Roam the fields of WtSS! Talk into a cool radio!


During all times of the event there will be at least four Wolf rangers on shift. Their responsibilities and duties are to provide immediate access to emergency services, inform participants about hazards & safety issues, address and report any instances of non-consensual physical interaction, observe interactions between participant and outside agencies as needed or mediate situations and/or disputes between participants if such would occur.
One of the wolves on shift will carry a phone with the official contact number, which has been given to the emergency services & other outside authorities.

The Wolf rangers is manned by volunteers. Please sign up to help: become a wolf!