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January 2017

Call for participation and ideas Art Jump (Notes Burning Pub 12-1 2017)

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As presented on the Burning Pub January 12, the first Dutch Art Jump Gathering & Fundraiser will be held on April 1. during The Equinox, at Blijburg aan Zee (Amsterdam).

The Burning Man NL Arts program supports the community in a broader perspective regarding Arts, but for this first Art Jump we focus on the Exchange of Burning Man inspired Art with other EU Burn-inspired events and orgs.
More about the event: https://burningman.nl/art-jump/

The evening

The evening is a fundraiser and a gathering that consists of wining and dining, Art & Performances, and a silent online auction to enable international artists and bidders to join. Items can be donated for the auction, think of art pieces or other interesting items.  And (if possible) showcase it at the gathering as well, or join virtually.

All the funding we raise with this auction and gathering, will go to art grants. For now we focus on existing Art projects, that will get the chance to travel to 3 other Burn-inspired events in the EU. In the future we will fund new art projects as well.

The biggest part of the community that was present at the Pub, agreed on the idea of having an Art Jump. Some even immediately promised to donate art of participate in another way, which is great!

Ideas and questions that were raised during the Burning Pub:

  1. Do we collaborate with events that already have/offer Art Grants (like Nowhere in Spain)?
    > Yes, The european counterparts will be contacted to talk about the idea in general and invite them to join the iniative.
    > Possibly, Jurgen and/or Manon think about trying to connect during the upcoming ELS in Stockholm. Any contacts or ideas are welcome >: email them to artjump@burningman.nl
  2. Can artists choose to what events they would like to take their art to?
    > Yes, artists can choose themselves.
  3. What kind of art fits into this program?
    > It’s for Burn–inspired Art projects only, that comply to the Burning Man Ethos and the ten principles.
  4. Is NL the first country to do this?
    > Manon knows another project, called We are from Dust.
  5. Is the membership fee (10 euro per year) also used for Art?
    > That’s work in progress, it’s not settled yet.
  6. What’s the price for a ticket?
    > Around 100 euros per person. That sounds high, but know that all basic costs like hardware (lights, DJ booth, sound etc.) and manhours need to be paid by only around 80 people. There’s no more room for more people at Blijburg, so all costs need to be divided between those 80.Where costs can be saved, they will be and the additional budget can go towards the grants!
  7. Who can afford those tickets…? Maybe change it into a real Art Gala (fundraiser) aiming for the high end market (companies, rich & famous, etc.)?
    > The opinions were diverse, but in the end most of the people agreed that it is better to start this first year a bit more low profile, to see how it works out, test things out, be a bit careful. Also because of the limited time we have left until April 1. The aim for 2017 is to make it as accessible as possible. With an aim for a more high end target audience in 2018 and beyond.


There are different ways to support and participate in the Art Jump 2017:

  1. Who has or knows items and art to donate for the auction?
  2. Who wants to participate and make this event happen in any kind of way? Preparation , performances…. ?
  3. Who has ideas/contacts to cooperate with other Burn inspired events?
  4. Who has other ideas to raise funds and/or keeping the costs as low as possible so we hope to have ticketmoney left for the Art fund?
  5. Who knows companies that might want to support/join in make this fundraiser happen, and (financially) successful? In other words: who would want to buy tickets and bid at the auction, to support Burn inspired Art?
  6. …?

We reach out to you.

Please share your ideas, suggestions, participation, contacts in the comments below or email them to artjump@burningman.nl